"When I count my blessings, I count you twice!"

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Sunday, April 21, 2013


This post in mainly for me.  I need and WANT to remember my pregnancy and birth story.  I think now is as good time as any to start keeping a journal again.  This is definitely cuter and more efficient and I can easily print off these pages and place them in a book.


Dislcaimer: I may go into detail about some aspects of labor and delivery... so if you are a dude reading this.... consider this your warning.

I believe that I was supposed to get pregnant when I did.  It seemed to happen right after I stopped taking the pill.  I was relieved because I was thinking this was going to take at least up to six months if we were lucky.  But lo and behold, I immediately felt like I was pregnant.  I waited for six weeks though before I tested just to make sure, and yep,  also immediately had the feeling that we were going to be blessed with a little girl.  Dallin, of course, was hoping for a boy. 

Our prayers were answered in  so many ways.  I had a window of opportunity to get pregnant because my health insurance would end April 28, 2013.  (One day after Ella was supposed to be due).  I can't get individual health care because as some of you may know,  I have Lupus.  For those of you unfamiliar with this disease, it is auto-immune which means that normal antibodies turn into auto-antibodies and begin attacking healthy organ systems.  I was first diagnosed in April 2006, so this month marks my seven year anniversary. Although I consider myself pretty healthy, insurance companies didn't want to budge. 

We were extrememly happy, but I was worried. I was considered a high-risk pregnancy.  With that came the constant "what if."  Like all expectant mothers, I was worried about miscarriage, still-birth, how much the baby kicked, etc.  But my ultimate worry was one that I knew had a good chance of happening, Pre-Eclampsia.  Lupus patients are automatically put into high-risk pregnancies because of an increased risk of developing Pre-Eclampsia.  Now if you don't know what this condition entails, it is when the blood pressure of the mother becomes too high and there is protein in the urine.  The kidneys are ultimately effected and they can shut down.  (Kidneys play a key role in controlling blood pressure, and blood pressure, in turn, can affect the health of the kidneys).

Because of Lupus and my high risk condition, I chose to travel back to Heber City to see my doctor for my prenatal care.  I think he is a wonderful doctor, I absolutely trust him, and I knew that I would be safe with him because he has been there with me since I was first diagnosed.  We also coordinated care with a perinatologist and with my rheumatologist. 

Throughout my pregnancy, we were closely monitoring my blood pressure.  It was higher to begin with and stayed steady that it wasn't as much of a worry, and there wasn't any protein in my urine during these visits, except for "a trace" at one visit, but we thought it was because I was feeling ill at the time.  So besides having morning sickness and popping Zofran until 18 weeks, I was actually feeling fine.  I started swelling up around 30 weeks.  My ankles, toes, hands, face, etc.  I began retaining water and I ballooned up really fast.  It became uncomfortable to even sit.  (I worked 36-37 hour weeks up until 35 weeks, and I am on my feet and sitting and leaning over people, which wasn't so good on my back or any other joints).  Between week 30 and week 35, I had gained 20 lbs.  Again, water weight.

Physiology lesson:  Blood pressure measures the force of blood against the walls of the blood vessels. Extra fluid in the body increases the amount of fluid in blood vessels and makes blood pressure higher.  High blood pressure makes the heart work harder and, over time, can damage blood vessels throughout the body. If the blood vessels in the kidneys are damaged, they may stop removing wastes and extra fluid from the body.

So, right at 35 weeks, my doctor put me on bed rest (we were now back in Logan).  My blood pressure was a steady 150/90 over the weekend and would not go down and there was now a trace of protein in my urine.  I couldn't work.  I had to take it easy and do nothing.  If we could make it to at least 37 weeks, my doctor wouldn't be worried about inducing me early.  For some reason, this whole thing didn't phase me, and it was odd because I worried about everything.  I had all the faith we were going to make it to at least 37 weeks or beyond.  I hadn't mentally prepared myself for the possibility of having our baby any earlier, and I think why is because we weren't completely set up for her here at home.  I was just looking forward to the big Family/Friend baby shower that I was supposed to have the next weekend and then getting what we still needed after.

I had a Fetal Non-Stress Test and an OB visit scheduled that Friday that I was on bed rest.  Dallin couldn't leave right away so I drove myself.  I was feeling ok.  I packed all my things, plus all our hospital bags because I was planning on living down there the rest of my bed rest.  Baby's stress test looked fine.  Her heart was beating well and she was responding well to the contractions (which I couldn't feel).  They also checked for protein and were monitoring my blood pressure which was still at that time 150/96.  The diastolic number was climbling.   My OB visit was a few hours later, so I went to my parents house and took a nap.  I woke up and drove back to the hospital.  I went in and did the usual routine of getting weighed, urine sample, and getting my blood pressure checked.  However, this time was a little strange.  The nurse had me lie down on the bed to check my blood pressure.  She also turned off the lights and asked if I had a headache.  I told her no.  (My mom also works as a Medical Assistant for my doctor, so she was there).  She left the room and I could slightly hear my doctor's conversation on the telephone with another doctor and they were talking about me.  I immediately began to worry.

My doctor walked into the room and immediately I knew that something was wrong by the look on his face.  He sat down and cleared his throat and calmly told me that my blood pressure was 160/100 and I had 2+ protein in my urine.  Now, I could feel the headache coming on.  I questioned what that meant, and he responded saying that I needed to deliver the baby this weekend and that I wouldn't be able to do it here because they cannot deliver before 37 weeks without a NICU.  I couldn't believe it, my baby shower was supposed to be the follwing day!!!  I was petrified, I began to shake uncontrollably.  Dallin was still up in Logan without anyway for me to get in contact with him because he had left his phone at my parent's the week before and said he wasn't worried about having it mailed to him.  I wasn't sure when he was going to get there.  I began to cry because I didn't want to do this without him.  I frantically called my mother-in-law in California to see if there was anyway she could reach him.

My doctor had me transferred to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center.  My mom left work, along with my stepdad and my sister to drive me there.  I became so anxious that my heart began to palpate and I felt so dizzy and lightheaded.  My mom wheeled me up to Labor and Delivery (they were expecting me) and they quickly got me into my room, dressed in my gown, and began searching for the best place for my IV.  My blood pressure at this point was 184/107.  Trying to find a vein with my high blood pressure wasn't the problem.  The problem was trying to find one that wouldn't blow.  IV's hurt like crazy in the first place, but being poked in several different places in my arms and in the back of my hands in hopes that one wouldn't collapse was the worst.  I had "battle scars" for a couple weeks.   They hooked me up to Magnesium sulfate to help prevent seizures that can come with pre-eclampsia.  I felt weak, I had blurry vision especially in my right eye, I had a severe headache, I felt nauseated, and I now had a stuffy nose.  Mag is the worst but again does its job.  During this time, they had also hooked me up to like four other bags but I cannot recall what they were.  With all the fluid being pumped into my body and my body already retaining water, I looked like a balloon!

I had been at the hospital for an hour before Dallin walked in. I was so excited to see him!  I needed him to help calm my nerves.   My doctor came in and checked my cervix, I was already 2+ cm dilated and 60-70% effaced.  I hadn't even been given pitocin yet.  So, they hooked me up to pitocin at 10pm.  I received my epidural at 12:30 am (which is definitely not just a "mosquito bite" or a "little bit of pressure") and my water broke on it's own at 4am.  At this point they had placed heart monitors on my baby's head and my uterine wall.  I felt like I needed to start pushing a little after 6am but they wanted me to relax and wait to start pushing at 7am.  My contractions were coming closer and closer together, at which point my baby's heart rate began to drop.  We didn't begin with "practice pushes"... the doctor came in, suited up, and we began right away.    He told me that need to hurry and get this baby out and I need to push as hard as I can.  So with each contraction and demands of my doc, nurse, and my hubby I tried with all my might to always push as hard as I could.  I was soooo tired from the mag and getting zero sleep I just didn't have the strength.  My doc began looking at other options because baby's heart rate would decrease dramatically with pushes.   He had O.R. prepped, the NICU team in my room, foreceps ready, but we decided to start with an episiotomy.  Now, in other circumstances, I could've easily pushed this baby out without one, but we didnt have the time.

Our miracle was born at 7:32am and at 4lbs 10 oz, healthy and beautiful.  Apparently I had a lot of calcifications in my placenta and my doctor said it looked like 42 weeks.  It was meant to be in so many ways that she came at this time.  My body probably wouldn't have been able to sustain her any longer and something really bad could've happened. 

We left Monday morning!  I still am battling residual high blood pressure which I'm om medication for.  My doc found a heart murmur a few days later.  I got an echocardiogram done to make sure there wasn't any other damage and to rule out my lupus having anything to do with it.  I wore a holter monitor because I was still having heart palpitations, which have now gone away or I just can't feel them anymore.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Embrace the Cold!!!

I am so sick of this weather.  Although it has been a mild winter, I still cannot stand the cold temperatures.  Everything is dead!  I am so excited for Spring!!! Spring showers, the green mountains and valleys, and flowers!  As of right now though, it is starting to snow outside.  Dallin and I have done a lot lately, we've been very busy.  Dallin has decided to take on a part time job while in school full-time.  I told him that if it gets too much and he starts to fall behind that he'll have to quit.  I assume that he loves me for this!  I just want to hurry and push him through school so that we can move on... AND hopefully out of Logan. 
Logan is getting better.  I have opened myself up to it a little more.  I have no idea why I have struggled so much being up here.  It is not that I am dependent on my life back in Provo/Heber... I lived in Cedar City for four years just fine.  Maybe it is because Logan is kind of secluded from other cities... and Ogden has never been a place that I would just go hang out and go shopping.  Quite frankly, I never went to Ogden.  Everything that is home to me is down in Provo/Orem, Heber, Park City, Salt Lake.  I just got to get over how lame the Logan Mall is and will be probably for the next 5 years. 
Dallin took me to a USU vs.  New Mexico State BB game.  The first one that I was able to go to all year!  But we've managed to watch several at Iggy's (Aggy's) Restaurant.  Sadly, one of them being how USU came through and beat the Cougars!  It was shameful being the only person in that entire restaurant that 'bleeds' blue.  I don't understand the massive hatred of BYU here in Logan.... I think I'd get torn apart if I was ever caught wearing BYU attire. 
We've taken Sunday drives up through Blacksmith Fork Canyon several times.  It is beautiful. Other times we've gone fishing up there, went Duck Hunting, or glassing with Dallin.  During the winter, however, Hardware Ranch opens up a wintering refuge for massive herds of Elk.  Unfortunately there hasn't been enough snow this year for a sleigh ride, so we were pulled in a cart instead.  It was still really cool. 

So I married a man that loves to do anything and everything outside.  He has definitely taught me more things that I probably would have never learned had I not married him.  He is so great!  I love hanging out with him.  I never cared to fish until Dallin.... but who can resist the beautiful Provo River, right?

The END!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Vacation!

Dallin and I decided that we needed to wisk away from the frigid cold valley of Logan and head out to the west coast!  It was exactly what we needed! I needed a break from work and Dallin sure did need a break from hunting, although he didn't think so.  We packed up Friday afternoon after I got off work and drove straight through, 12 hours, to Bakersfield, CA.  The armpit of California.  Well I should really say that because Bakersfield definitely has its nice parts and some areas of Bakersfield are beautiful!  I honestly cannot believe how much green farm land there is.  The orchards are amazing, apples, oranges, tangerines, clementines, lemons, limes, avacados, grapefruit are just a few!  There are acres and acres of almond and walnut trees.... and acres and acres of COWS!  Literally! I have never in my life seen as many huge corporate dairy farms and thousands upon thousands of cows that were in them.  So yes, being from a small town, I definitely think this part of Bakersfield is beautiful as well. 

Anyway,  we spent the entire week there and Dallin and I took a break and headed off to Ventura, CA.  We were able to stay at the harbor in a really nice hotel and Dallin took me out to dinner at Brophy Bro's.  I got the mahi mahi and Dallin ordered swordfish.  They were both so delicious! The Seafood was so fresh and so yummy!  Earlier that day we walked out to the edge of pier and watched the sunset.  It was so romantic!  Dallin can be such a sweetie, even though he tries to play 'tough guy' the majority of the time. 

Christmas was sooo great! I didn't expect our families to get us soo much!  My in-laws bought Dallin and I a beautiful dresser!  Annette also bought me a Coach bag! :)  Dallin and I got a two-burner stove for camping, clothes, money, the works basically!  We are so blessed to have our families!  Love them!

As usual, the week flew by and now we are back to reality.  :(  But, we have things to look forward to in the future.... missionary homecomings (both our brothers here in a couple months) and birthdays, and other family vacations.  I love seeing everyone!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Honeymoon Phase!

It is approaching our one year anniversary on December 18th! yes, one year and it has flown by that fast.  We have had our little arguments already, but nothing that we haven't smiled about ten minutes after.  

I knew our honeymoon phase was soon coming to an end when I started wanting kids.  Is that the way it goes? You slowly get bored and then we want to fill our lives with more trouble?  Just kidding.  I want to be a mom right now on some days and then other days I can wait.  It would be complicated anyway because Dallin does have a few more years at USU and I am currently the bread winner... so having a baby is not presently feasible. 

Being married has been a blast! I get to cuddle with my best friend all the time.  Sometimes I get so preoccupied about what the future will bring for us and what it will be like when Dallin is out of school:  Dallin will have a great job, we'll have a nice house, a family, money to travel and vacation with.  Yep!  I've been counting my blessings everyday though, and Dallin and I are very fortunate and I'm grateful. One day those things will come.

I love Dallin so much! He's been so good to me and he's such a good-hearted person!  The year has flown by... can't wait to celebrate our anniversary in California